Here's a graduation picture from the Kundalini Teacher Training portion of my 500-hour yoga teacher training program. You'll notice that students and instructors are dressed in all white. That's to expand the auric field, which surrounds the physical body with a protective sheath of energy. (Chanting in Sanskrit or Gurmukhi before a yoga class, or silently repeating a mantra will also expand the field.) Some of us are wearing head coverings as well. This serves to contain one's vital energy, without allowing it to escape. Keeping prana (vital energy) inside is one of the core practices of both Hatha and Kundalini yoga. The three bandhas (jalandara, uddiyana & mulabandha) and pranayama (breath exercises) are some common practices that help to bring more vital energy into the body and hold it there. Control of the vital energy brings protection, health, and is said to extend life. Plus, my friend Sydney says I look quite attractive with a head covering!