Sunday, March 8, 2009

Love and the Heart Center

In sanskrit, the heart center is called 'Anahata' which means unstruck -- according to Swami Satyananda Saraswati (whose Kundalini Tantra is one of the textbooks for the Kundalini Teacher Training I'm currently attending in Sedona):

"This centre is known as such because of its relationship with the heart, which throbs, beats or vibrates to a constant unbroken rhythm. It is said in many of the scriptures that there is a sound which is non-physical and non-empirical, which is transcendental in nature, and this sound is endless and unbroken in the same way that the heart beats faithfully and continuously from before birth up until death."

One of my teachers, Shraddhasagar, often describes this "unstruck" vibration as being the only sound not made by two objects striking. Because it is born of true love, there is no need for friction to create this sound.

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